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Art project consultancy

Santa & Cole's project department works with you to bring your project to fruition. Our team, with extensive experience in the art market, helps you to achieve the optimal final result for your space. We advise you throughout the process of defining and selecting works, as well as in the shipping, framing, handling and installation of the pieces. In short, we are there to support you both technically and aesthetically.


We examine the various possibilities, carefully selecting and proposing those artists and works most suited to the space, adapting to your budget. We will present you with renderings or 3D drawings simulating the relationship of the works with the environment to help you make your final decision. In short, we will work with you to achieve the best solution for your project.


At Santa & Cole we have developed a precise reproduction method that replicates in colour, texture and format the original work from which it comes, working with each of the artists to obtain the best result. Ideal for contract projects, the Neoseries are the right solution compared to the other proposals on the market. By using the art works we offer to form compositions, we can create extraordinary murals that accompany the space. The Neoseries manage to transmit the same emotion as an original work, but without the limitations of a unique piece and at a much more competitive price.


We apply our attention to detail to your projects, which is why we focus especially on the final stages: the framing, placement and even lighting of the pieces. These are decisions that make a difference and reflect quality. We help to assess the aesthetic aspects so as to maximise the space, and the most practical ones to facilitate the process. Each project is unique and we feel it is our own.

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