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Enric Batlle

Barcelona, 1956

In 1981 he co-founded the architecture studio Batlle i Roig Arquitectes with Joan Roig. He is the Director of the Master s in Landscape Architecture at UPC BarcelonaTech, which is taught at the Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona as part of the European Masters in Landscape Architecture (EMILA). He is also a tenured lecturer in the Department of Urban Planning and Territorial Planning of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and has been a teacher of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Architecture and Project Workshops at the School of Architecture of Vallès since...

In 1981 he co-founded the architecture studio Batlle i Roig Arquitectes with Joan Roig. He is the Director of the Master s in Landscape Architecture at UPC BarcelonaTech, which is taught at the Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona as part of the European Masters in Landscape Architecture (EMILA). He is also a tenured lecturer in the Department of Urban Planning and Territorial Planning of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and has been a teacher of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Architecture and Project Workshops at the School of Architecture of Vallès since 1982.

Enric Batlle has been an architect since 1980. He has a Master s in Landscape Architecture and obtained his Doctorate in Architecture in 2002 with the thesis El jardín de la metrópoli ("The Garden of the Metropolis"), for which he received the extraordinary doctorate award, the LLuis Domènech i Montaner Award for Theory and Criticism of Architecture 2005, and the FAD Award for Theory and Criticism of Architecture 2012 for his recent publication El jardín de la metropolis: Del paisaje romántico al espacio libre para una ciudad sostenible ("The Garden of the Metropolis: from the romantic landscape to the free space for a sustainable city"). He is a patron of Elisava, the Higher School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, gives lectures and classes at various international universities, and regularly publishes articles in specialist journals.

In 2008 he was commissioned for the Telefónica Corporate University project in Parc de Belloch, where Santa & Cole has its headquarters.

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