Gabriel Ordeig Cole
Folch, Borja , Serra, Rosa
2004Gabriel Ordeig Cole
Folch, Borja
Borja Folch has worked in different trades in the field of communication. In the audiovisual sphere: production assistant, location manager, scriptwriter, adapter of dialogues. In the written sphere: journalist, advertising writer, translator.
Serra, Rosa
Rosa Serra Majem, journalist and scriptwriter, writes for various media, especially television, and teaches scriptwriting at the Barcelona Film and Audiovisual School.
Folch, Borja , Serra, Rosa
| 2004ISBN 978-84-932053-5-4
Folch, Borja, Serra, Rosa – 2004
Spanish / English
Paperback, 26 x 21.5 cm / 10.14″ x 8.385″
272 pp