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Andreu Arriola

Barcelona, 1956

Both partners have combined private practice with work done for the City of Barcelona. Firstly in the Urban Design Department which was responsible for the highly acclaimed urban transformation developed throughout the city of Barcelona between 1981-87 and awarded The Prince of Wales Prize in Urban Design in 1990 for its "exemplary demonstration of leadership in the physical conformation and renewal of a city". Secondly in IMPU (Municipal Institute for Urban Development) a company created by the City Council and the central government of Spain to design and realize the masterplans for the...

Both partners have combined private practice with work done for the City of Barcelona. Firstly in the Urban Design Department which was responsible for the highly acclaimed urban transformation developed throughout the city of Barcelona between 1981-87 and awarded The Prince of Wales Prize in Urban Design in 1990 for its "exemplary demonstration of leadership in the physical conformation and renewal of a city". Secondly in IMPU (Municipal Institute for Urban Development) a company created by the City Council and the central government of Spain to design and realize the masterplans for the integration of the Olympic installations into the urban fabric.ARRIOLA FIOL Arquitectes was founded in 1987 with the principal objectives of exploring the interrelationship between Architecture and Urbanism with the Design of Public Spaces. The ambition was that of closing the traditional gap between these disciplines. This is achieved by means of designing Urbanism based on specific projects and planning Architecture in the public realm.Projects are seen as opportunities to provide creative solutions which fully address both the users needs and their aspirations. The firm success is a result of continual care and attention to all facets of the project, from the clear understanding of the clients objectives to ensuring of their efficient realization on site. Successful international endeavours by the office have been executed with the same level of quality control through its proven network of engineers, artists, and its multi-lingual literate office team.

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