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Joan Roig

Barcelona, 1954

He studied architecture at the School of Architecture of Barcelona and in 1981 co-founded architecture studio Batlle i Roig Arquitectes with Enric Batlle. Since 1984 he has been teaching classes in architectural projects at the school where he studied, as well as on the Master s Degree in Landscape Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the School of Agriculture of Barcelona. He has also been a visiting lecturer at numerous universities including l Academie van Boukunst, Rotterdam; Delft University of Technology; ILAUD (International Laboratory of Architecture and...

He studied architecture at the School of Architecture of Barcelona and in 1981 co-founded architecture studio Batlle i Roig Arquitectes with Enric Batlle. Since 1984 he has been teaching classes in architectural projects at the school where he studied, as well as on the Master s Degree in Landscape Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the School of Agriculture of Barcelona. He has also been a visiting lecturer at numerous universities including l Academie van Boukunst, Rotterdam; Delft University of Technology; ILAUD (International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design), Urbino; IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura de Venezia); the Facoltà di Architettura, Genoa; the Faculty of Architecture of Istanbul (ITU); Washington University, St. Louis; University of Illinois, Chicago; the École Superièure du Paysage de Versailles; Ringyorcesung Technishe Universität, Munich; Universität Stuttgart, Germany; and the Master s in Landscape Architecture at the School of Architecture of Navarra, Pamplona. He also recently became a director at BIArch (Barcelona Institute of Architecture). Joan Roig has been a jury member for numerous national and international competitions including Europan, the Spanish Architecture Biennial, European Landscape Biennial, Saloni Awards and the Alicante Architecture Fair, as well as a consultant for the Society of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) Culture of Barcelona Province, a consultant on the Mixed Commission of publishing house Gustavo Gili and a member of the Architecture Commission at Barcelona City Council. His work as an author includes the book Nuevos Puentes (‘New Bridges’), published by GG, in addition to numerous opinion articles published in specialist journals such as Croquis, Arquitectura Viva, Topos, Quaderns and Domus.

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