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José Fernández Oyarzábal

Malaga, 1944

A prizewinner in different categories, he obtained the Málaga Town Planning and Urban Spaces Award in 1991, the National Award for the Best Book Published in 1992 and the Málaga Award for Interior Architecture in 1999 and 2003. Since 1992 he has been an Associate Professor at Málaga University where he teaches Photojournalism and Information Technology at the Faculty of Communication Science. Since 2004 he has collaborated with Santa & Cole on the development of urban lighting elements such as the wall light Prisma and Cubo (2005)....

A prizewinner in different categories, he obtained the Málaga Town Planning and Urban Spaces Award in 1991, the National Award for the Best Book Published in 1992 and the Málaga Award for Interior Architecture in 1999 and 2003. Since 1992 he has been an Associate Professor at Málaga University where he teaches Photojournalism and Information Technology at the Faculty of Communication Science. Since 2004 he has collaborated with Santa & Cole on the development of urban lighting elements such as the wall light Prisma and Cubo (2005).

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