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Oriol Guimerá

Barcelona, 1972

Oriol Guimerà s inclination towards arts runs in the family, and is also due to his early liking for ceramics. Born in 1972, he studied Industrial Design at the Elisava school in Barcelona. There, after a lecture by Achille Castiglione, Guimerà decided to have a more poetic and functional approach to design, and started to focus on one aim: going to Italy. When he ended his studies, and after a short experience at Cideyeg, a packaging firm, Guimerà entered Isao Hosoe s studio in Milan for a training period. Thanks to this experience, he learned how to work as a team, how to treat...

Oriol Guimerà s inclination towards arts runs in the family, and is also due to his early liking for ceramics. Born in 1972, he studied Industrial Design at the Elisava school in Barcelona. There, after a lecture by Achille Castiglione, Guimerà decided to have a more poetic and functional approach to design, and started to focus on one aim: going to Italy. When he ended his studies, and after a short experience at Cideyeg, a packaging firm, Guimerà entered Isao Hosoe s studio in Milan for a training period. Thanks to this experience, he learned how to work as a team, how to treat objects with sensitivity, and acquired the self-confidence to start a professional career on his own. When he came back, he also attended a Master course on how to create new companies and completed his training on computer Cad assisted design.

Arjau was Guimerà s first multidisciplinary project. In collaboration with a graphic designer, this company offered product design services and company consulting, although it did not last long.

Since then, Guimerà has created various domestic and urban objects "that adapt to our changing moods and share our space amicably". The Golf streetlamp, for instance, is a versatile element, while the Polar lamp offers two kinds of lighting with a playful wink. The Pausa bench, selected by the ADI-FAD in 2001, integrates with any kind of surfaces and uses, and the Level clothes stand grows at the same time as its users do.

Táctica42 is the new multidisciplinary project by Guimerà, a company that he has set up with various young graphic and web designers. From here, he goes on working on what he likes most: telling stories through objects.

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