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Patxi Mangado

Navarre, 1957

Since 1982 he is professor of Student Work at the School in which he graduated. In 1996 he was a visiting scholar at the University of Texas School of Architecture at Arlington; and during the years 1997, 1998, 2001 he taught at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he is again teaching in 2007. He has also been a professor at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and currently teaches in the masters degree program in Architectural Design of the University of Navarra.Aside from having earned the FAD Architecture Award for the Auditorium of Pamplona in 2004, Mangado...

Since 1982 he is professor of Student Work at the School in which he graduated. In 1996 he was a visiting scholar at the University of Texas School of Architecture at Arlington; and during the years 1997, 1998, 2001 he taught at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he is again teaching in 2007. He has also been a professor at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and currently teaches in the masters degree program in Architectural Design of the University of Navarra.Aside from having earned the FAD Architecture Award for the Auditorium of Pamplona in 2004, Mangado has received numerous prizes, mentions and distinctions, among which: First Honorable Mention at the National Urbanism Award. MOPU. 1987; First Prize for Quality Architecture in Navarra, 1989; selected for the exhibition Young Spanish Architecture 1990" with the Plaza de Carlos III project in Olite, Navarra; Honorable Mention of the Jury at the International Architecture Award Andrea Palladio, Vicenza, 1991; the City of Thiene Architecture Prize, Thiene, 1993; "Architecti" Award, Lisbon 1993; selected work for the exhibition "Diez Años de Arquitectura Española", (1980-1990), (1985-1995); COAVN Award in the categories of Building and Refurbishment in 1995 and of Building in 1997; author of the winning project for the improvement and adaptation of the Pamplona city walls; IV Biennial of Spanish Architecture Prize in 1997; 1st prize at the Pamplona Auditorium competition; Fundación C.E.O.E. Architecture Prize, 1997; SEDIGAS 3rd edition Prize; winner of the competition for the Palencia Soccer Stadium, 2005; winner of the competition for the construction of the Congress Center and Hotel in Palma de Mallorca, 2005; winner of the competition for the Spanish Pavilion at the International Exposition Zaragoza 2008, 2005; winner of the competition for the Asturias Museum of Fine Arts, 2006; and Saloni Architecture Award 2007. Some of his most representative completed works and projects include: social housing developments in Mendillorri, Pamplona; Zuasti Country Club, Navarra; School Complex in Mendillorri, Pamplona; factory for Gamesa Eólica in Pamplona; social housing complex in Cizur, Navarra; San Juan Health Center, Pamplona; proposal for the General Library by Pamplona s city walls; indoor swimming pools in La Coruña; Congress Center and Auditorium of Navarra; Congress and Exhibition Center in Palencia; Pey-Berland Square in Bordeaux; Plaza Dalí in Madrid; Archaeological Museum in Vitoria; Congress and Exhibition Center of Ávila; the Palencia Soccer Stadium; Congress Center and Hotel in Palma de Mallorca; the Spanish Pavilion for the International Exposition Zaragoza 2008; housing in Santa Coloma de Gramanet; office building in L Hospitalet de Llobregat; Asturias Museum of Fine Arts.

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