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Raw Color

Santa & Cole entrust in 2013 to Raw Color to carry out new colours for its famous ribbon shades. This collaboration fruit of the shared curiosity and passion for chromatic tones resulted in three new colours (terracotta, mustard and green) available for our entire family of ribbon shades, from the small table lamp to the renowned Trípode standard lamp and the giant GT1500 hanging lamp. They are an addition to the three basic colours (cream, red and black) designed in 1994.The nice detail about the series is that every shade is woven from three different colours. This might sound very...

Santa & Cole entrust in 2013 to Raw Color to carry out new colours for its famous ribbon shades. This collaboration fruit of the shared curiosity and passion for chromatic tones resulted in three new colours (terracotta, mustard and green) available for our entire family of ribbon shades, from the small table lamp to the renowned Trípode standard lamp and the giant GT1500 hanging lamp. They are an addition to the three basic colours (cream, red and black) designed in 1994.The nice detail about the series is that every shade is woven from three different colours. This might sound very colourful, but by carefully selecting the different yarns, the colours blend in the eye of the viewer. If you look very closely you can distinguish the diferent yarns, and this is what makes the colour so alive.In their work there is a desire to conduct a primary research, filtering the essence of all aspects of the design process. Driven by curiosity they are questioning the meaning of the subject they are working on. For example challenging the production process, creating ink from vegetables or transforming materials by placing it into another context.Within these aspects the materialization of colour plays a key role, and can be seen as the core of the studio.Their projects are mainly commissioned by the cultural and design related field. Philips future research department Design Probes , TextielMuseum based in Tilburg, art publisher and platform Onomatopee , fashion label Ontour to the interior architectural company Merkx+Girod are among their clients.Besides their commissioned assignments the studio works on self initiated projects. Both have been recognized and showcased national and international, for instance: Museum of Applied Art Frankfurt - D, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - NL, Designhuis Eindhoven - NL, Otrascosas de Villarrosàs Barcelona - ES, Gallery S. Bensimon Paris - FR,  Salone del Mobile Milano - IT. Alongside their projects Raw Color is sharing their knowledge on a regular bases by teaching at the Design Academy Eindhoven since 2011 and has been appointed as visiting teachers at the HKU Utrecht. They also have been invited for several lectures and workshops at Design Yatra 2011 Goa - IN, University of Georgia, Athens - USA, Academy of Art Berlin Weissensee - DE, Art East, Bishkek - KG, Design na Praça, Rio de Janeiro - BR.Raw Color is awarded for the Best Dutch Book designs 2010 and was also shortlisted among the top 55 of Best Book Designs from all over the world Leipzig 2011 with the Nest series created for Onomatopee.By experimenting and trusting on their intuition Raw Color has created a design language that is verbally direct, energetic and recognizable, stretching the borders and definition of design.

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