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Ted Hauri

Born in Miami, Florida in 1941 and educated in public and private schools in the United States and Germany. In 1962 he graduated from Haverford College and went to the University of Tuebingen in Germany where he studied literature and art history. Following a stint working as a lexicographer he went back to the United States to work as a bookseller in Boston. In 1972 he founded the Boston Design Corporation of indoor and outdoor furniture design with his wife, Ann...

Born in Miami, Florida in 1941 and educated in public and private schools in the United States and Germany. In 1962 he graduated from Haverford College and went to the University of Tuebingen in Germany where he studied literature and art history. Following a stint working as a lexicographer he went back to the United States to work as a bookseller in Boston. In 1972 he founded the Boston Design Corporation of indoor and outdoor furniture design with his wife, Ann Chepijan.

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