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ERF Energia Sostenibilitat – Wattega

ERF Energia & Sostenibilitat , Wattega

ERF Energia & Sostenibilitat – Wattega, formerly Estudi Ramón Folch, are independent consultants with more than three decades of international experience in energy, environment and territory. Their systemic and meticulous approach, putting forward effective solutions for the transition to sustainability, coupled with their extensive scientific network, led to their selection by our editorial team for the first edition of Canon de Belloch in 2015.

Since then, this canon, aimed at giving readers a comprehensive understanding of urban vegetation, has earned its place as the...

ERF Energia & Sostenibilitat – Wattega, formerly Estudi Ramón Folch, are independent consultants with more than three decades of international experience in energy, environment and territory. Their systemic and meticulous approach, putting forward effective solutions for the transition to sustainability, coupled with their extensive scientific network, led to their selection by our editorial team for the first edition of Canon de Belloch in 2015.

Since then, this canon, aimed at giving readers a comprehensive understanding of urban vegetation, has earned its place as the top catalogue for selecting the tree species best suited to our cities, both for avenue and street alignment and in parks and gardens.

Designs ERF Energia & Sostenibilitat , Wattega

Canon de Belloch. Catálogo razonado de arbolado urbano

ERF Energia & Sostenibilitat , Wattega - 2025

Canon de Belloch. Catalogue of Urban Trees

ERF Energia & Sostenibilitat , Wattega - 2025

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