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Xavier Nogués

Barcelona , 1961

Nogués was born in 1961. He graduated in architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 1990, and attended a Master course in Landscape Architecture in 1996. He has carried out most of his professional career from within the Catalan public administration, first at the IMPSOL (Metropolitan Institution for the Promotion and Management of the Land) and later on at the MMAMB, which is the institutional net that manages the supplies for the whole Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB).

From his position, one of Nogués main priorities has been to create and preserve the...

Nogués was born in 1961. He graduated in architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 1990, and attended a Master course in Landscape Architecture in 1996. He has carried out most of his professional career from within the Catalan public administration, first at the IMPSOL (Metropolitan Institution for the Promotion and Management of the Land) and later on at the MMAMB, which is the institutional net that manages the supplies for the whole Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB).

From his position, one of Nogués main priorities has been to create and preserve the parks, squares, streets and gardens in the outskirts of Barcelona. He has especially worked on the southern coast of the AMB: the pine grove and dunes in the beach of Castelldefel beach (1997-1999), the access to the El Prat beach (1991), or the promenades in Castelldefels (2000), Viladecans (1996) or Gavá (Section I, ADI-FAD Selection in 1995, and Section III).

As for industrial designed elements, Nogués has been responsible for the installation of showers at the AMB beaches, as well as watchtowers and other urban elements, that he himself designed: the balcony-bench at the Montgat beach, a feetshower and the reformed refreshment stalls of the AMB, the Área beacons (together with Claudi Aguiló, ADI-FAD Selection of 1998) edited in 1998 by Santa & Cole, the markers at the promenade in Castelldefels, and the Xammar lighting column.

Through his projects, Nogués has always sought to improve the quality of the urban scene, and, in some cases, to recover the original ecosystem of the zones degraded by the uncontrolled urban growth of the 60s. A clear example of this is the Parc de les Dunes in Castelldefels, a park that allows enjoying the typical vegetation of pines and dunes of this part of the coast from wooden walkways and platforms.

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