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Design Biographies

Monographs on designers whose work should be a point of reference for present and future generations. The texts, commissioned from great connoisseurs of the biographies, recover the experiences of consecrated creators of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, with the dual purpose of reinforcing a memory that is sometimes in danger and of proposing a critical debate that stimulates future contributions in the field of industrial design, beyond trends.

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Antoni de Moragas


Roqueta, Santiago - 1991
Design Biographies

Antoni Gaudí

Ferrer, David - 2002
Design Biographies

Antonio Bonet Castellana


Álvarez, Fernando, Roig, Jordi - 1999
Design Biographies

Arne Jacobsen (english edition)

Solaguren-Beascoa, Félix - 2024
Design Biographies

Arne Jacobsen (Spanish edition)


Solaguren-Beascoa, Félix - 2024
Design Biographies

Carles Riart

Rabat, Esperança - 2001
Design Biographies

Dino Gavina

Vercelloni, Virgilio - 2005
Design Biographies

Esferas y patatas. Retrato indicicplinado de Gabriel Ordeig Cole

VV. AA., Various Authors - 2025
Design Biographies

Ilmari Tapiovaara


Korvenmaa, Pekka - 1997
Design Biographies

José Antonio Coderch

Armesto, Antonio, Diez, Rafael - 2008
Design Biographies

Josep Lluís Sert

Freixa, Jaume - 2005
Design Biographies

Josep Torres Clavé

Torres, Raimon - 1994
Design Biographies

Lluís Domènech i Montaner

Figueras, Lourdes - 2007
Design Biographies

Miguel Milá

Corredor-Matheos, José - 2001
Design Biographies

Rafael Moneo

Capella, Juli - 2003
Design Biographies

Six Argentine designers from Barcelona

Chaves, Norberto - 2006
Design Biographies

Spheres and potatoes. Undisciplined portrait of Gabriel Ordeig Cole

VV. AA., Various Authors - 2025
Design Biographies

Ten light years

Arola, Antoni - 2007
Design Biographies

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VV. AA., Various Authors

Arola, Antoni

Armesto, Antonio

Ferrer, David

Rabat, Esperança

Álvarez, Fernando

Beascoa, Félix

Freixa, Jaume

Roig, Jordi

Matheos, José

Chaves, Norberto

Roqueta, Santiago


Capella, Juli

Figueras, Lourdes

Korvenmaa, Pekka

Diez, Rafael

Torres, Raimon

Vercelloni, Virgilio



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