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Miguel Milá: A Life in Design

Gaspar, Kiko


Miguel Milá: A Life in Design



Gaspar, Kiko

Kiko Gaspar Quevedo (Valencia, 1979). Industrial Design Engineer by UPV in 2001. Masters Degree in Transportation Design and Management (Milano, 2002) and Design Engineering (Valencia 2010). Obtained his Ph D. in 2017 focused on the work and career of historic designer Miguel Milá, one of his main mentors with whom he worked as an assistant during his first years as a professional designer.

Design Professor and researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, he has taught in different universities as an Associate Professor since 2005. Founder partner of Discoh Design Studio with more than 50 projects developed for national and international companies in 16 different sectors. His designs have been exhibited in international fairs in Europe and the United States and awarded in international competitions.

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Gaspar, Kiko

 |  2022

Miguel Milá is considered one of Spain’s first and most influential industrial designers. Starting out as an interior designer amid the country’s early modernist movement, Milá began making the objects he needed but couldn’t yet find on the market. He took raw and renewable materials and crafted prototypes by hand, occasionally evolving designs to perfect his now-iconic lighting and furniture.

Miguel Milá: A Life in Design is a detailed look back through his most emblematic works, produced between 1956 and 2021, with archival photos and drawings, as well as original photos shot at Milá’s Barcelona home by Nacho Alegre. Introducing the book is seminal English designer Jasper Morrison, while the products are catalogued and described by design academic Kiko Gaspar Quevedo, who also contributed a biographical text on Miguel’s life, career, and the principles that sprang from both.


ISBN 978-84-09-41339-3
Gaspar, Kiko – 2022
Hardcover, 29.5 x 24 cm / 11.505″ x 9.36″
160 pp

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