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Tropical Apache

Marqués, Nuria


Tropical Apache


Nuria Marques

Marqués, Nuria

Nuria Marqués has a Bachellor degree in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, together with a DEA in painting, a postgraduate degree in illustration at EINA and another on conceptual painting at the UB. She studies further at the Université Jean Monet at Saint Étienne, the Nottingham Trent University and the Chelsea College of Art & Design at London’s University of the Arts.

She has shown her work at multiple exhibitions both individual and group’s both in Spain (Mallorca, Málaga, Madrid o las Palmas) and internationally (Brussels, Miami or Santiago de Chile to name a few).

Nuria Marqués has been a resident artista at Basilisco Buenos Aires, in Barcelona and Lleida’s Centre d'Art i Natura.

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Marqués, Nuria

 |  2015

Tropical Apache is a cookbook for those who enjoy eating more than cooking. Through 70 very simple recipes, Minorcan artist Nuria Marqués illustrates the true cultural heritage of contemporary Spanish gastronomy, mixing origins and techniques, and underscoring as key element the joie de vivre behind the bare act of preparing something to eat.


Marqués, Nuria – 2015
Spanish / English
Hardcover, 14.6 x 21 cm / 5.694″ x 8.19″
160 pp

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