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This is a selection of our answers to the questions that we receive the most frequently on Santa & Cole. If you have another question, please do not hesitate to ask us by means of the Contact form.

Online purchase

Can I track the status of my order?

We will keep you informed via e-mail, sending you the link for the shipment tracking of the courier.

How long will my order take to arrive?

Delivery times depend on the shipping destination, you can find the different time details here.

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, you can cancel your order up to 12 hours after receiving the order confirmation by contacting us here.

Can I return an item?

Yes, meeting the conditions described on our Buying terms, you will have 14 working days from the day your order is received to return it. You can request it through our Contact page.

Can I have an invoice?

Yes, you will get it in the attachment of the shipping confirmation. In case you require another type of invoice, you can request it here.

Product Information

Where can I obtain user instructions and maintenance guide for my product?

You can find the product information on the product page of our website.

Where can I purchase replacements and accessories?

You can buy spare parts through our partners, visit the Where to buy page.

Are the Santa & Cole products under guarantee?

Certainly, all Santa & Cole products have a two-year guarantee.

Can I obteain the ISO certificate for my item?

Yes, you can download the certificate on our Quality page.

Project enquiries and collaborations

Who should I contact for a project enquiry?

You can contact us through our Contact page.

Who should I contact for a professional collaboration?

You can contact us through our Contact page.

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